Public presentation of Kyiv’s draft Green City Action Plan

Date: 19.11.2021
Time: 11:00 – 13:00 (Kyiv time) / 09:00-11:00 (London time)
Registration: (please register before Wed 17 Nov)
Over the past year, the Kyiv City Council, together with a team of consultants and sectoral experts, has been drafting a Green City Action Plan (GCAP) as part of EBRD’s Green Cities Framework.
The GCAP is based on the feedback and recommendations from stakeholders gathered through various workshops and consultations on the city’s key environmental and sectoral issues, a shared vision of a green city, strategic goals, and priority actions.
Now, the City Council released a draft GCAP for public consultation in the framework of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).
To solicit stakeholder inputs and support for the proposed Green City activities, the City would like to present the draft to a wide network of local experts from civil society and others interested in Green Cities.
Therefore, we invite you to attend the presentation of the draft GCAP, which will take place on 19 November from 11:00 to 13:00 (Kyiv-time) on ZOOM.
This final stakeholder session as part of the GCAP development process will allow you to receive additional information on the context of the Action Plan as a whole, and will facilitate the provision of comments and suggestions at the public consultation stage.
Please register in advance for the event via the link above. Once registered, you will receive a separate link with the meeting code to the e-mail address indicated in the registration form.
In addition to the discussions during the meeting, all participants will be invited to provide written feedback on the draft GCAP over the next two weeks.
The draft Green City Action Plan is available here: